Shopify Plus is the platform for next-level growth, offering the power to scale, exclusive tools, and the lowest transaction fees among all Shopify plans.

In the competitive world of e-commerce, choosing the right platform can make all the difference. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the benefits of upgrading to this platform, its pricing model, when it’s the right time to make the switch and the key differences between Shopify and Shopify Plus.

What is Shopify Plus?

This service is the premium, enterprise-level offering within Shopify’s suite of e-commerce solutions. Geared towards large businesses and high-volume merchants, it offers a wide range of advanced features and benefits that go beyond the capabilities of the standard Shopify platform. With its superior customization options, dedicated support, and enhanced API limits, Shopify Plus is the go-to choice for enterprises seeking to elevate their online presence.

Key Features:

Shopify Plus boasts an array of features that empower businesses to thrive in the competitive e-commerce landscape.


One of its standout strengths is its ability to handle serious traffic with ease. Major brands like Gymshark and Allbirds, who rely on it, witness significant spikes in website traffic during peak seasons and product launches. The platform’s scalability and reliability ensure seamless shopping experiences even under high traffic volumes.

Global expansion

Global expansion is made simple with Shopify Plus, offering dedicated storefronts for different countries or regions. With the capability to create up to 10 additional clone stores, businesses can cater to specific markets with tailored shopping experiences. A notable example is Rebecca Minkoff, the renowned fashion brand, which leveraged this platform to establish a dedicated storefront for the Chinese market, resulting in a successful expansion.

Full store customization

Full store customization is another key feature that sets it apart. With editable CSS files and scripts, businesses have complete control over their storefront’s look and feel. 

“We believe customization and being unique is the future.” 

Tobi Lütke, the CEO of Shopify

This level of customization enables businesses to create a truly immersive brand experience that resonates with their target audience.


Automation is at the core of Shopify Plus, offering a wide range of automated workflows and campaigns. Merchants can automatically add customer tags, identify high-risk orders, reorder inventory, and even put marketing campaigns on autopilot. This allows businesses to streamline their operations and focus on growth strategies, knowing that essential tasks are being managed efficiently.


Shopify Plus’s advanced multichannel capabilities provide seamless integration with popular platforms like Instagram, Facebook Messenger, and Kik. This enables businesses to expand their reach and engage with customers on their preferred platforms, driving higher conversion rates and sales.


Moreover, Shopify Plus offers a dedicated wholesale online store that integrates both B2B and B2C operations. Businesses can easily manage and offer personalized pricing and product catalogs to their wholesale customers, ensuring a streamlined experience for both retail and wholesale channels. This capability enhances operational efficiency and fosters stronger relationships with business partners.

With these exceptional features, the platform stands as a comprehensive solution for enterprise-level e-commerce success. It empowers businesses to grow, expand globally, and deliver outstanding customer experiences, solidifying its position as a leading platform in the e-commerce industry.

Difference between Shopify and Shopify Plus

While both Shopify and Shopify Plus are robust e-commerce platforms, they cater to different business sizes and demands. Shopify is an excellent choice for small to medium-sized businesses, providing a user-friendly interface and a straightforward pricing structure. On the other hand, Shopify Plus is designed for large enterprises with specific high-volume requirements. It offers advanced customization options, seamless integrations, and personalized support to manage complex e-commerce operations efficiently.

What is the Monthly Cost of Shopify Plus?

The cost varies based on monthly sales volumes. The pricing structure is designed to scale with your business, starting at a baseline of $2,000 per month. As your sales grow, your fees will adjust accordingly. Rest assured, it guarantees you won’t pay more than $2,000 per month until your sales surpass the $800,000 threshold. The pricing structure caps at $40,000 per month, regardless of sales volumes.

Note: This is not ‘official’ Shopify Plus pricing, but a reliable guide to help you decide. These rates may also be liable to change.

Why Would I Need Shopify Plus?

If your business experiences substantial growth and requires extensive customization, scalability, and robust features, Shopify Plus is the ideal choice. The platform’s seamless integrations with various third-party systems, multi-channel selling capabilities, and internationalization support make it indispensable for enterprises with a global presence and diverse markets.

When Should I Go to Shopify Plus?

It’s crucial to assess your business’s growth trajectory and operational needs to determine the right time to upgrade to Shopify Plus. If you find that your sales are outgrowing the capabilities of standard Shopify plans and you require additional flexibility and support, it may be time to make the transition.

Signs You’re Ready for Shopify Plus:

As you contemplate taking your business to the next level, here are a few things that may give you an idea you’re ready:

  1. Hitting Substantial Revenue: If your monthly revenue has reached or surpassed $105,000 (equivalent to $1 million per year), it’s a strong sign that your business is thriving and ready for more advanced e-commerce solutions.
  1. Steady and Rapid Growth: If your business is experiencing significant and sustained growth, with projections pointing towards continued expansion, Shopify Plus can cater to your increasing demands and provide a robust platform to support your success.
  1. Global Expansion Plans: If you have ambitious plans to expand your business globally, the platform offers the necessary features and capabilities, including dedicated storefronts and 10 additional clone stores, to efficiently manage multi-country operations.

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Conclusion: Is Shopify Plus Really Worth It?

Absolutely! The advantages of upgrading to Shopify Plus are substantial. The platform provides superior customization options, allowing businesses to tailor their storefronts and create bespoke user experiences. With a dedicated Merchant Success Manager, 24/7 priority support, and early access to new features, the users of the platform can benefit from unparalleled guidance and innovation. The platform’s enhanced API limits ensure seamless operations during high traffic periods, catering to high-volume stores.

In the ever-evolving world of e-commerce, Shopify Plus stands out as a premium solution for enterprises seeking superior customization, robust features, and dedicated support. While Shopify serves as an excellent platform for small to medium-sized businesses, Shopify Plus caters to the unique demands of high-grossing enterprises. Consider your business’s current and future needs to make an informed decision. Remember, a successful online presence starts with a memorable business name. Use our Business Name Generator to discover the perfect name that resonates with your brand identity and sets you on the path to e-commerce success.

More: How to Name a Business That Sells: Step by Step Guide