Email marketing remains one of the most effective ways to engage with your audience, but let’s face it – getting people to actually open your emails can feel like an uphill battle. 

You’ve probably experienced the disappointment of pouring time and energy into a well-crafted email, only to see abysmal open rates. And you’re not alone; marketers everywhere grapple with this challenge.

Why? Well, the average person receives dozens, if not hundreds, of emails each day. Your email is competing not just with other marketing messages, but also work emails, personal correspondence, and even spam. How do you make your email stand out in an overcrowded inbox?

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into 23 proven strategies to increase your email open rates. So let’s dive in and give those open rates a much-needed boost!

What are Email Open Rates?

Email open rates are a critical metric in email marketing that tell you the percentage of emails your recipients have opened from a specific campaign. They are crucial for understanding the effectiveness of your email strategy and can offer insights into subscriber engagement. Here’s a simple table to further elucidate the concept:

Total Emails SentThe total number of emails dispatched in a particular campaign.
Emails DeliveredThe number of emails that actually made it to the inbox, excluding bounces.
Opened EmailsThe number of unique opens your email has received.
Email Open RateCalculated by dividing the number of ‘Opened Emails’ by ‘Emails Delivered,’ then multiplying by 100 to get a percentage.
Email Open Rates Terms

By understanding these terms and the overall email open rate, you can better gauge the success of your email marketing campaigns.

23 Easy Tips to Increase Email Open Rates

1. Craft Compelling Subject Lines

Your subject line acts as the “headline” for your email, which is why it’s critical to make it compelling. Use language that resonates with your audience and speaks to their needs or desires. Running a special offer? Say it here. Launching a new product? Announce it boldly. Here’s what you can do:

  • A/B test different subject lines to see what your audience responds to.
  • Use action-oriented verbs like “Get,” “Discover,” or “Try” to encourage action.

2. Personalize Subject Lines

Nothing grabs attention like seeing your own name. It makes the email feel like it was sent just for you. Use your email marketing software’s personalization fields to automatically insert the recipient’s name.

Beyond just names, consider other forms of personalization like the recipient’s location or a recently viewed product.

3. Use Emojis Sparingly

Emojis can brighten up a subject line and draw the eye when a subscriber is scanning through their inbox. The quick tips to implement this include: 

  • Limit emojis to one or two to avoid overwhelming your audience.
  • Use emojis that are related to your email’s subject matter.

4. Add Humor

Humor has a way of connecting people, lightening the mood, and making your brand feel more human.  Test humor in subject lines with a smaller segment of your audience first. Ensure your humor aligns with your brand voice and isn’t alienating or offensive to any group.

5. Optimize Preview Text

Your preview text, also known as the preheader, is a snippet that gives subscribers a sneak peek into what your email contains. Make your preview text an extension of your subject line, but not a repeat. Include a call-to-action or a powerful benefit to the reader.

6. Insert Power Words

Power words trigger emotional responses and can inspire action. Words like “exclusive,” “urgent,” or “breaking” can capture immediate attention. But remember, overusing these words can make your emails seem like spam. So, choose just one or two power words that accurately convey the tone and urgency of your email.

7. Keep It Short and Sweet

Limit your subject lines to about 6-10 words or 50 characters. People usually skim through their email, so shorter subject lines will catch their eye. Shorter lines are also mobile-friendly, allowing a quick and full view on smaller screens.

8. Use Movie Titles or Song Lyrics

Inserting a familiar phrase from a movie or a song can pique curiosity and recognition. Make sure it ties into the content of the email so it doesn’t feel like a bait-and-switch tactic. This adds a fun, cultural layer to your email and stands out in a crowded inbox.

9. A/B Testing

Always A/B test different subject lines, preview text, and even send times to see what resonates most with your audience. Most email marketing tools offer this feature, allowing you to analyze which versions get better open rates.

10. Keep Your Email List Fresh

Regularly clean your email list to remove inactive subscribers. This is not just good for your open rates but also for ensuring you’re spending time and resources on people genuinely interested in your brand.

11. Provide Real Value

Your emails should always offer something useful or interesting to the reader. This can be a discount, an informative article, or exclusive news about your product. Providing value keeps people looking forward to your emails.

12. Optimize Send Times

Research your audience to find out when they’re most likely to check their emails and plan your sending schedule accordingly. Consider different time zones if your audience is global.

13. Audience Segmentation

Divide your audience into smaller segments based on behavior, location, or engagement levels. This allows you to send more personalized, targeted emails, increasing the likelihood they’ll be opened.

14. Try Re-Engagement Campaigns

Target subscribers who haven’t engaged in a while with special offers or exclusive content. Monitor the performance of these campaigns; if they still don’t engage, it might be time to remove them from your list.

15. Avoid Spam Filters

Make sure you’re complying with CAN-SPAM Act guidelines and using verified, professional email addresses to send your emails. Avoid using all caps or exclamation marks, as these can trigger spam filters.

16. Be Friendly and Personable

Emails that feel personalized and genuine are more likely to be opened. Use a conversational tone, and, if possible, send emails from a person’s name rather than a corporate name.

17. Create High-Quality Content

Well-written, relevant content encourages users to open your future emails. Invest time in creating great content that your subscribers will find useful or interesting.

18. Don’t Forget Mobile Users

Ensure your email design is mobile-friendly. Keep in mind that many people check email on the go, so formatting should be easy to read on a small screen.

19. Stick to a Consistent Schedule

Send your emails consistently – whether it’s daily, weekly, or monthly. Subscribers are more likely to engage with emails when they expect to hear from you.

20. Don’t Overwhelm Your Audience

Find the right balance in your email frequency. Too many emails can lead to unsubscribes, while too few can make subscribers forget about you.

21. Re-send to Non-Openers

Wait a couple of days and resend the email with a different subject line to those who didn’t open it the first time. Be cautious with this to avoid annoying your audience.

22. Use Email Verification Tools

Invalid emails can skew your open rate statistics. Use verification tools to clean your list and improve your metrics.

23. Include Interactive Content Like Quizzes

Interactive content such as quizzes or polls can add a fun element to your emails and increase engagement. Make sure you mention this in the subject line to spark interest.

Wrapping Up

Improving your email open rates isn’t just about tweaking one or two variables; it’s a multi-layered approach that encompasses everything from the quality of your email list to the timing and content of each email. But don’t be overwhelmed. 

By understanding the key factors, staying updated with industry benchmarks, and continuously testing different strategies, you can improve your open rates and, more importantly, deepen your relationship with your audience. 

Remember, the ultimate goal is not just to get your emails opened, but to engage your readers in a meaningful way that adds value to their lives and drives action. 

Happy emailing!

Read more: Email Domain Names Explained: Why They Matter in 2023?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How Do I Improve My Email Open Rates?

Improving email open rates often involves a multi-faceted approach, including optimizing subject lines, providing valuable content, and segmenting your audience. Timing and personalization are also key factors.

Is a Higher Open Rate Always Better?

Not necessarily. A higher open rate is generally a good indicator of an effective email campaign, but it’s not the only measure of success. Click-through rates, conversion rates, and ROI are also important metrics.

How Do Different Industries Compare in Terms of Open Rates?

Open rates can vary greatly depending on the industry. For example, retail may have different average open rates compared to healthcare or finance. It’s crucial to compare your performance with industry benchmarks for a more accurate assessment.

How Does A/B Testing Affect Open Rates?

A/B testing allows you to experiment with different elements of your email, such as the subject line or timing, to see what yields the best open rate. It’s a valuable tool for ongoing improvement.

Why Should I Remove Inactive Subscribers?

Inactive or ‘stale’ subscribers are less likely to engage with your emails. By removing them from your list, you can improve your open rate and focus on subscribers who are more likely to convert.